
Business Kemijärvi offers affordable facilities for the further processing of natural products. The rent is moderate, thus providing a low threshold for the start-up of an entrepreneurial venture. A comprehensive range of equipment is suitable for manufacturing a wide variety of products on an industrial scale.

We rent the Riekkoniemi fish hall for the use of fishermen. The fish hall is a food-approved facility with all the necessary machinery and equipment for further processing of fish. In addition, new landing structures, a jetty and an electricity crane have been built in the immediate vicinity of the hall. The electricity crane will make it easier to bring fish to shore. From the harbour, a dredged pathway has been laid to the shipping lane.

There are also facilities for teleworking. At Toritalo, we offer work space for an affordable rent. If you need to, you can rent the whole room. The space is also ideal for small business meetings. In addition, the city of Kemijärvi has a quiet space suitable for telecommuting in the library.